The Ultimate Guide to Amazon SKUs

A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique identifier that Amazon assigns to each product in a seller’s inventory. It’s used to track inventory and distinguish one product from another.

Here are some tips for using SKUs effectively on Amazon:

  1. Use unique SKUs: It’s important to use unique SKUs for each product in your inventory. This will help you track your inventory more accurately and prevent errors in your orders.
  2. Keep SKUs simple: Don’t use too many characters in your SKUs. Short and simple SKUs are easier to remember and type, which can help prevent errors when you’re placing orders or making updates to your inventory.
  3. Use a consistent naming convention: Developing a consistent naming convention for your SKUs can make it easier to manage your inventory and identify products. For example, you might use a combination of letters and numbers to represent different product variations, such as size and color.
  4. Use descriptive SKUs: Consider including information about the product in the SKU, such as the product name or category. This can make it easier to understand what a product is just by looking at its SKU.
  5. Keep track of your SKUs: It’s important to keep a record of all your SKUs, including any changes you make to them. This will help you track your inventory and ensure that you’re using unique SKUs for each product.

By using SKUs effectively, you can improve the efficiency of your inventory management and reduce the risk of errors in your orders.

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